Aristotle said that only humans ask questions: the gods already know all the answers, while the animals are too stupid to formulate questions. Maybe asking questions will be our job when AI becomes reliable.
David, you are approximately correct about the biggest question regarding life extention: I would add that the most difficult part of social equity will be stopping the concentrations of power that a clever person can accumulate over a lifetime. The problem, of course, is that power tends to corrupt. The resulting question has vexed us for millenia: How do we stop powerful dictators and monopolists from abusing their political and financial power? The American experiment of distributing political power into three branches and of breaking up monopolies is a good start. How can it be improved?
Aristotle said that only humans ask questions: the gods already know all the answers, while the animals are too stupid to formulate questions. Maybe asking questions will be our job when AI becomes reliable.
David, you are approximately correct about the biggest question regarding life extention: I would add that the most difficult part of social equity will be stopping the concentrations of power that a clever person can accumulate over a lifetime. The problem, of course, is that power tends to corrupt. The resulting question has vexed us for millenia: How do we stop powerful dictators and monopolists from abusing their political and financial power? The American experiment of distributing political power into three branches and of breaking up monopolies is a good start. How can it be improved?